Powering the personal wealth movement
TradeAlgo is a global market data leader on a mission to make investing simple and fair. Modern investors require access to real-time data for independent insights, and TradeAlgo provides these insights through cutting-edge algorithms and AI. We're on a mission to lead the way for a more equitable trading market, by equipping regular investors with the tools that were once traditionally available to hedge funds and major investment banks.

Minimum Investment


Share Price


Maximum Raise


Raised to-date


Target Minimum

The TradeAlgo Owner’s Bonus offers investors tiered benefits:

$5,000 Tier

• Earn a 5% share bonus on the investment.

• Get early email notifications about bonus-eligible launches.

• Priority on waitlists for investing in oversubscribed companies.

$10,000 Tier

• Earn a 10% share bonus on the investment.

• Get early email notifications about bonus-eligible launches.

• Exclusive access to the CEO on investor calls.

• Receive investor memorabilia and more.

• Priority on waitlists for investing in oversubscribed companies.

$25,000 Tier

• Earn a 20% share bonus on the investment.

• Get early email notifications about bonus-eligible launches.

• Access investor calls and product updates.

• Receive investor memorabilia and more.

• Priority on waitlists for investing in oversubscribed companies.

• Invitation as a VIP to TradeAlgo Live.
Having generated over $18 million in total NET and deferred revenue and successfully raised over $5 million from more than 1,200 investors, our CEO is proud to have been accepted into the prestigious Forbes Technology Council in 2023.

*Source: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1920223/000166516023000806/form_car.pdf


As seen on Bloomberg, Forbes and MarketWatch.

“TradeAlgo enterprise algorithms provide a complete set of real-time cloud technologies for managing market data. With TradeAlgo, algorithms run on a cloud-based analytics architecture that currently supports approximately 250 data sources covering nearly 1.3 million listings. Retail investors and financial institutions now have access to similar style algorithms as Jane Street and Goldman Sachs”

- Benzinga News

*Source: https://www.benzinga.com/money/tradealgo-review



TradeAlgo stands as a pioneer among platforms that monitor off-market "dark flow" activity. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and providing real-time metrics, we aim to level the playing field for retail investors.

The global fintech market is expected to reach a value of $324 billion* by 2026. According to experts at Burton-Taylor Consulting, Global spending on financial market data continued its decade-long growth streak with revenues jumping 4.7% to a record $37.3 billion in 2022.

TradeAlgo capitalizes on the benefits of a modern customer acquisition strategy, coupled with the development of algorithms and AI on market data, which collectively contribute to its revenue growth.

*Source: https://www.globaltrademag.com/fintech-market-to-reach-324-billion-in-2026/


Discover the secrets Wall Street doesn't want investors to know.

Trade Algo is a user-focused market analysis platform that aims to equip investors with comprehensive trading education, advanced technology, and robust tools, thereby enabling them to take charge of their financial future. We don't function as a broker or dealer; instead, we offer top-tier analytics technology as the ultimate resource to elevate your trading experience.
What we are best at

Our Services

We provide high-quality real-time market data, procured directly from the exchange sources. This allows our users to react to market fluctuations promptly and capitalize on opportunities faster than ever before.
Resilient Technology
Our technology is resilient, reliable, and scalable, built to withstand even the most volatile market conditions. We ensure uninterrupted service, so your decision-making process is never hindered by technical issues.
Artificial Intelligence & Generative Ai Development
We are developing advanced Ai to augment the human decision-making process. Ultimately, we believe in a future where AI outperforms human analysts and investment bankers. Our AI systems analyze market patterns, predict trends, and provide actionable insights, allowing you to stay in touch with the market.
Value-Added Services
We don’t just provide data – we provide solutions. Our value-added services include in-depth analytics, advanced charting tools, and personalized reports. We ensure that you can not only access the data but also understand and utilize it effectively to drive your investment decisions.
Dedicated Support 24×7
Our dedication to you extends beyond trading hours, with 24/7 customer support for your queries and concerns. At TradeAlgo, your experience is paramount. We are fervently devoted to independent research, and we make sure to share fresh insights and alpha strategies with you. This empowers you with the know-how and tools essential for keeping up with modern technology for the markets.
What is the business model?
TradeAlgo presents a versatile billing structure, beginning with a complimentary access level, which subsequently transitions into a premium subscription-based model, charged on a monthly basis.
How is this product/service different from currently available options?
Financial data providers play a pivotal role in a trader's success in the markets. TradeAlgo stands tall amidst larger, traditional competitors by leveraging advanced technology and offering competitive pricing. As per the information available in the public domain, a Bloomberg Terminal demands an annual fee of $27,660 for a single license, with terminals typically leased on a biennial basis. Capital IQ's pricing, on the other hand, is not publicly listed, given its tier-based model tailored to suit each customer's unique needs. This lack of pricing transparency renders Capital IQ less accessible to many traders. Eikon's annual cost stands at $22,000, although a basic version can be availed for as little as $3,600 annually. TradeAlgo boldly competes on both price and technological fronts against these established market players.
How much is your target market worth?
Per the analysis by independent experts at Burton Taylor, the global expenditure on financial market data hit an all-time high of $37.3 billion in 2022, marking a 4.7% increase.
How much of that are you aiming to capture?
TradeAlgo seeks to capture a meaningful amount of a $37.3 Billion market share through a core focus on emerging Ai technology.
How will you do it?
The landscape of Wall Street, and the broader financial industry, is being reshaped by cutting-edge technologies, with AI leading the charge. This technology is poised to augment, and in some instances, even replace human traders, largely due to its superior speed and decision-making capabilities. AI refers to a type of artificial intelligence that leverages machine learning to generate novel data from the input it is given. In the context of financial markets, this technology can be used to analyze vast amounts of market data, identify patterns and make predictions, all in real-time and far faster than any human trader could. The sheer volume of data generated by financial markets is staggering. To process this information manually, or even using traditional software, is increasingly impractical and inefficient. AI, however, can ingest and analyze these data sets in real time, providing traders with the most up-to-date insights. Moreover, AI goes beyond just processing speed. It can also make decisions, even under uncertain conditions, by applying probabilistic reasoning and pattern recognition.
Early-Stage Growth
The Sweater Cashmere Fund will primarily invest in equity of startups and early growth stage companies and, to a lesser extent, interests in private venture capital funds.
Large Portfolio Theory
Sweater’s underlying strategy is built around large portfolio theory, which means the Sweater Cashmere Fund will include hundreds of investments and will start to look more like an index fund of private, venture-backed companies at scale. A large, diversified portfolio also helps mitigate some of the risks involved in venture investing.
The Sweater Cashmere Fund primarily invests in consumer-focused companies shaping the future of products we interact with in our personal and professional lives—products used by real people, like apps on your phone or software you use at work.

Innovative Product


What makes your company unique?

TradeAlgo provides a comprehensive solution that bridges you with global exchanges and diverse data sources. Our robust infrastructure has a broad reach, encompassing six data centers across the United States and EMEA regions, supplemented by a global footprint via AWS cloud infrastructure. We are pioneers in adopting AI technology, processing more than 50 billion events on a daily basis. We seek to not only outshine our main rivals in terms of cost-effectiveness, but also surpass them with our high-speed innovation.

What makes your offering in the marketplace stand out?

TradeAlgo provides an advanced platform for visualizing and analyzing multi-asset market data, fueled by an exhaustive collection of real-time, historical, and computed data services on-demand. Constructed using modern technology, incorporating both cost-efficient hardware and software elements, TradeAlgo introduces an innovative pace, durability, and adaptability to the realm of data management, visualization, and analytics.

What is the competitive advantage?

TradeAlgo stands at the forefront of business and financial information globally, providing reliable data, timely news, and insightful analysis that foster market transparency, efficiency, and fairness. Currently, TradeAlgo is developing a Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) uniquely tailored to the financial markets and designed with traders in mind. This expansive language model has been trained extensively on a broad spectrum of financial data to facilitate a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks within the financial sector. The latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI)utilizing large language models have already unveiled promising new applications across numerous fields. Nevertheless, the intricate nature and specialized terminology of the financial sector call for a model exclusive to this domain.
opportunity and landscape
What is the opportunity for the company going forward?

According to Goldman Sachs, Generative AI could raise global GDP by 7%. As tools using advances in natural language processing work their way into businesses and society, they could drive an almost $7 trillion increase in global GDP and lift productivity growth by 1.5 percentage points over a 10-year period.



Who are key competitors?  
Below is a competitive analysis of TradeAlgo and its major competitors: Bloomberg, Capital IQ, FactSet, and Refinitiv Eikon.

Bloomberg Pricing

An annual subscription to a Bloomberg Terminal costs $27,660 for one license, and terminals are leased on a two-year basis. The price per terminal drops to $24,240 per year when two or more terminals are leased. Academic pricing is available upon request. Market Share: Bloomberg holds a significant 33.4%market share, demonstrating a strong presence in the sector. Unique Strengths: Bloomberg's long-standing reputation and legacy software stemming from the 1980’s.

Capital IQ Pricing

The cost of Capital IQ is not publicly available due to its tier-based pricing model that's designed to be opaque. This customizable approach may be an advantage for some customers but can also hinder price transparency.

FactSet Pricing

A full FactSet subscription costs $12,000 per year. Market Share: FactSet maintains a 4.5% market share, representing a smaller yet steady presence in the market.

Refinitiv Eikon Pricing

An annual Eikon subscription costs $22,000, but a basic version is available for as little as $3,600 per year. Market Share: Refinitiv Eikon holds a substantial 19.6% of the market share.

TradeAlgo Pricing

Competitively priced from FREE up to $250mo and significantly lower than top competitors. Market Share: As an emerging platform, market share is not as large as established competitors, but is rapidly growing. Unique Strengths: Established in 2021, TradeAlgo is emerging as a market leader for real-time market data. Overall, while TradeAlgo may be newer to the market compared to established players like Bloomberg and Eikon, its focus on real-time data, competitive pricing, and AI-driven insights could position it as a strong contender in the market.

Our team

Jon Stone


Jon Stone, an enterprising serial entrepreneur and invitee of the prestigious FORBES technology council in 2023. He has made his mark by establishing several successful businesses and spearheading innovative technologies to increase market clarity and efficiency. As a graduate of ASU, Jon holds a profound interest in leadership and management philosophy, drawing inspiration from the teachings of Jack Welch. He has pursued blockchain technology studies at MIT Sloan School of Management. Driven by a passion to foster fairness and efficiency in financial markets, Jon is meticulously applying pioneering methods in generative AI at TradeAlgo. His leadership has steered the company to generate multi-million dollar revenues, achieve a nine-figure market cap, and secure a robust global presence.

TradeAlgo Review

FEBRUARY 9, 2022
Market data management algorithms are rarely scalable, and TradeAlgo has created a  comprehensive, infinitely scalable cloud-based trading solution that meets customers’ analytics needs. These new offerings are crucial for the data market and can support decision making in an analytics industry dominated by legacy products.

How Technology Is Helping Retail Investors Gain A Better View Of The Stock Market

DECEMBER 20, 2022
A truism is an obvious or self-evident statement that is hardly worth mentioning. For example, when best-selling author Michael Lewis, “The United States stock market, the most iconic market in global capitalism, is rigged,” in this case, the truism should be self-evident. There is no question that the stock market is rigged, but why?

Trade Algo Launches Suite of Enterprise Algorithms For Retail Traders

Trade Algo offers market data API distribution and management solutions for financial services, and today announced Trade Algo Enterprise algorithms, a complete set of real-time cloud technologies for managing market data.
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